Our factory in UAE ⸻

A Geniusin Panel Innovation & Production

With rapid global growth, accelerating the supply of sustainable and durable buildings materials is our power!

Our strategy includes bringing manufacturing factory plants closer to the projects. We understand that to become a global leader in the construction industry we must offer our clients and investors the best product that money and time can buy. With the Xpanel system, developers achieve project goals safely and timely, while also supporting job creation in local communities and reducing long-distance transportation emissions costs impacting our environment.

In sharing our message and connecting with developments across the globe, it’s hard not to notice how people are paying attention and excited to learn about this innovative system – clearly, Xpanel has something amazing to offer, so find out what’s in it for you, too!

Highest technology ⸻
We can build anything you dream.

Be Part of a Global Solution…

FACT: 39% of global emissions comes from buildings and construction

We design and manufacture high-performance buildings and retrofit products that are non-toxic, use less energy, and are resilient in the face of climate change.

Xpanel is an opportunity to reinvent how the world builds and to use the latest in sustainable construction technology to take on global housing crises and activate action against negative climate change.

Our panels are manufactured proficiently off-site to rapidly be assembled with precision on-site, reducing embodied carbon, build times, and construction costs.

We produce the Xpanel factories worldwide

This includes  production facilities 

Our Factory in Images